Evaluation Services

An evaluation is recommended when there are concerns about different areas 
of functioning (e.g., social/emotional, academic achievement, behavioral, adaptive) and when there are concerns
about more than one condition (e.g., a child is showing signs of anxiety, attention problems, and learning problems).
Testing can also help us evaluate for the presence and severity of anxiety/mood disorders, AD/HD, behavioral 
disorders, and developmental disorders. 

Evaluation is also helpful in cases where the child is not making progress with his/her current treatment plan
and they are being referred for evaluation to help figure out diagnostically what is going on to help guide the
treatment plan (in therapy, educational planning, and medication management).
Evaluation Providers:

Dr. James Poysky   

Dr. Poysky is licensed in the state of Texas and has obtained “E Passport” and “APIT” credentials, which authorize him to practice telepsychology with patients and their families in other states, via video conferencing platforms (e.g., Zoom).  For a map of participating states: https://psypact.org/mpage/psypactmap

Evaluation Services:

The Evaluation Process
The entire evaluation process from the initial appointment to the follow up, can be anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks depending on schedule availability.

The evaluation process is typically 3 appointments.  (For details regarding each of the visit fees please go to the "Visit Rates" page)

1. The initial visit will be with the child and parent(s) attending. These appointments are generally done via Zoom.
This appointment gives the provider a chance to learn what has been happening and what your concerns are, as well as any background information that may be relevant.
The provider will then talk with the parents about what the next steps will be.

2. The second visit will be for the recommended testing and can be 2-4 hours in length depending on the testing protocols that are done.  This will be in person, usually on a school day in the morning.
Parent or Guardian must stay on premise for the duration of the testing. 

3. The third visit is for parents to discuss testing results and recommendations.  These appointments are generally done via Zoom. Ordinarily, the child does not need to attend this appointment.
In come cases depending on the nature of the concerns, formal testing may not be needed or may be done as the child ages.  In those cases the doctor may have parents/teachers complete questionnaires and have them come back for a follow up.

Psychological Evaluations:
In some cases testing may be helpful to determine the correct diagnosis for a child, or to determine if there are developmental, emotional or behavioral problems that are contributing to their current difficulties (e.g., autism spectrum disorders, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc.). The nature of the presenting concern will determine the amount and duration of testing that may be necessary. Opportunity for follow- up and written report will be provided to families.

Attention Evaluations:
Most cases of ADHD and ADD can be diagnosed by observation, clinical history, and parent/teacher reports. However, some parents may wish to obtain additional information to help them feel more confident about the correct diagnosis, or to use when making decisions related to treatment and intervention. To meet this need, KCPA offers ADHD/ADD testing to examine IQ, short-term memory, sustained attention, impulse control, processing speed, mental flexibility, planning/problem solving, and emotional adjustment. An in-person feedback session, as well as a written report of the results and recommendations, will be provided to families afterward.

Neuropsychological Evaluations:
Neuropsychological evaluations are usually conducted when there is concern that a medical condition or injury (e.g., epilepsy, brain trauma, stroke, insufficient oxygen/birth complications, or other neurological conditions) may have an impact on brain functioning. These are comprehensive evaluations designed to measure many different cognitive skills including IQ, short- and long-term memory, language, fine motor dexterity, visual perception, attention, impulse control, processing speed, executive functioning, and academic skills. Recommendations for intervention and/or compensatory strategies are developed based on the results of the testing. Neuropsychological evaluations may be broken up into two or more testing sessions, and may take 4-6 hours total, depending on the needs of the child. Opportunity for follow-up and a written report will be provided to families.
Psychoeducational Evaluations:
KCPA offers psychoeducational evaluations (testing) to help identify why a child may be having difficulty learning at school. This type of evaluation may help identify specific learning disorders such as Dyslexia (reading problems), Dysgraphia (writing problems), and Dyscalculia (math problems). However, at KCPA we go beyond the mere identification of learning disorders and closely examine specific cognitive processes that may be contributing to the overall problem. Our evaluation will meet requirements for discrepancy-based models of learning disorders, as well as Response-To-Intervention models. We work with families to take what is identified during testing and translate the results into practical goals and recommendations for intervention and remediation, at school and/or through private sources as needed.  Assessments commonly look at IQ, academic skills, short-term memory, attention, fine motor dexterity and motor planning, phonological processing and emotional adjustment. Each evaluation is tailored to the unique needs of the child. Psychoeducational evaluations typically take 2-6 hours. An in-person feedback session, as well as a written report of the results and recommendations, will be provided to families afterward. 

281-829-1599 or [email protected]


Administration Availability - (Clinician hours will differ)


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



